
Download interface residues predicted by PIONEER for humans and seven other commonly studied organisms. "Very High Confidence Predictions" includes interface residues falling in the "Very High" potential category from PIONEER. "High Confidence Predictions" includes interface residues falling in the "Very High" and "High" potential categories from PIONEER. "Medium Confidence Prediction" includes interface residues falling in the "Very High", "High", and "Medium" potential categories from PIONEER.

Very High Confidence Predictions

Prediction file for athaliana ( 38 MB ): athaliana.txt
Prediction file for celegans ( 14 MB ): celegans.txt
Prediction file for dmelanogaster ( 38 MB ): dmelanogaster.txt
Prediction file for ecoli ( 2.5 MB ): ecoli.txt
Prediction file for human ( 166 MB ): human.txt
Prediction file for mmusculus ( 8.7 MBB ): mmusculus.txt
Prediction file for scerevisiae ( 39 MB ): scerevisiae.txt
Prediction file for spombe ( 3.9 MB ): spombe.txt

High Confidence Predictions

Prediction file for athaliana ( 41 MB ): athaliana.txt
Prediction file for celegans ( 15 MB ): celegans.txt
Prediction file for dmelanogaster ( 40 MB ): dmelanogaster.txt
Prediction file for ecoli ( 2.5 MB ): ecoli.txt
Prediction file for human ( 173 MB ): human.txt
Prediction file for mmusculus ( 9.0 MB ): mmusculus.txt
Prediction file for scerevisiae ( 41 MB ): scerevisiae.txt
Prediction file for spombe ( 4.1 MB ): spombe.txt

Medium Confidence Predictions

Prediction file for athaliana ( 47 MB ): athaliana.txt
Prediction file for celegans ( 16 MB ): celegans.txt
Prediction file for dmelanogaster ( 44 MB ): dmelanogaster.txt
Prediction file for ecoli ( 2.8 MB ): ecoli.txt
Prediction file for human ( 189 MB ): human.txt
Prediction file for mmusculus ( 9.6 MB ): mmusculus.txt
Prediction file for scerevisiae ( 46 MB ): scerevisiae.txt
Prediction file for spombe ( 4.6 MB ): spombe.txt

PIONEER Package Files

The following files are auxiliary files required for the standalone PIONEER package, which can be found here.